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Showing posts with the label Yoga

victorious Breath (ujjayi pranayam) : conrtraindication , Benefits , and Process

Victorious Breath   Prnayam Yoga has tremendous capacity to address many health issues. The solution for respiratory problem is UjjayiPranyama also known as ocean Breath . U jjayi means vijay , to achieve victory , the victorious breath . But the question arises victory over what ?  Victory over  every Negative thought which stop us to move forward from , every stress that make us ill and depress . Victory on our Mind on our breath , victory on our body . Ujjayi is the fire , intensity is the breath of fire having control over it . Pranayama means control itself . Ujjayi itself the fire that breath you control . It is the process in which lungs are fully expanded & chest puffed out .Recommended for people with high blood pressure , increasing exhalation capacity thereby helping asthma patients . They can se the effect immediately . What exactly we do in this that the epiglote  is partially closed & from partial...