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victorious Breath (ujjayi pranayam) : conrtraindication , Benefits , and Process

Victorious Breath 

ujjayi pranayam contraindication

Yoga has tremendous capacity to address many health issues. The solution for respiratory problem is UjjayiPranyama also known as ocean Breath .

Ujjayi means vijay , to achieve victory , the victorious breath . But the question arises victory over what ? 

Victory over  every Negative thought which stop us to move forward from , every stress that make us ill and depress . Victory on our Mind on our breath , victory on our body. Ujjayi is the fire , intensity is the breath of fire having control over it . Pranayama means control itself . Ujjayi itself the fire that breath you control .

It is the process in which lungs are fully expanded & chest puffed out .Recommended for people with high blood pressure , increasing exhalation capacity thereby helping asthma patients . They can se the effect immediately .

What exactly we do in this that the epiglote  is partially closed & from partially open epiglottis  we’re exhaling and inhaling thereby it increases our lung capacity .


  1. This is not ujjayi it is a basic technique that involves how to use your Neck muscles , and your vocal card .
  2. You need to open your mouth & exhale while exhaling you need to make a sound , sound of air .
  3. Second thing is to inhale in the same fashion while making a sound keeping your mouth open & inhaling.
  4. To put your tongue underneath your teeth & keep your mouth open and you need to inhale not exhale.
  5. Just simply close your mouth &inhale to the nostrils and while doing so you need to make same sound as a earlier.

How to do ujjayi Pranayama  ?

keeping the lock
chin lock to throat pad

1. In ujjayi we sit in a comfortable position & we while inhaling making same sound but intensity is little bit higher.

2. Then you need to tuck your chin to your throat pad.

3. Slowly keeping our neck straight & exhaling through your left nostril .( you have to put your right thumb on bottom of your nose with little pressure  so that you an easily exhale from left nostril.

SO these are the 3 steps inhaling making the sound , keeping the lock , & exhaling through left nostril. That’s the whole ujjayi Pranayama .

Before you practice ujjayi you need to learn to the Basic technique i.e involve your cervical cavity , your glottis and your vocal card in whole process .


1. Ujajayi pranayma is useful in kapha(mucous) , sinus , Allergy, throat infections , tonsils , thyroid snoring , sleep apnea ,mood swings , stammering

2. People with high blood pressure are highly recommended , increasing exhalation capacity and thereby  helping asthma patients.

3. By practicing you uplift mentally , physically , spiritually .

4.Improoves concentration and help to focus mind.

5.Regulates heating of body , warming the core from inside.

6. By practicing you uplift mentally , physically , spiritually .

7. Improves quality of Meditation.

8. Releases stress and improves sleep.


1. Any kind of disorder of lung should avoid this.

2.Avoid completely in pregnancy .

3. Heart patient should avoid this .

4. Not to practice in constipation not tight you throat.

 What actually happens ?

ujjayi pranayama breathing technique , breathing control
ujjayi pranayam breathing Technique

 When we do  the  whole Ujjayi Pranayama process what actually happens ? How inhaling and exhaling works in controlling breath ?

1.  We breath in through nostril & make a sound . we’re breathing in and our nostril is doing very good job , the nostril  they humnifide    the air while you are In taking  & at the same time they are absorbing heat of air then given to you & when you controlling with muscles & glottis they contracted air or maybe in the systematic manner in your system , then it divides into your system into air stream into blood stream all over the body . 
That’s the process & upper muscles are involving whole neck section you are controlling intake of air & there is major gland –thyroid gland , If you have any problem of thyroid may be hyper thyroid . To keep it healthy ujjayi pranyama is very useful.

2.  When we exhale the air to take the sir in with the sound & make a lock with chin & throat.

3.  When we exhale the air the pressure you built & when exhaling through left nostril (why only left nostril not right ?  Because left nostril is related to ‘eeda’ which is cold in nature . Now the hot air inside you it is being exhaled through left nostril the cold vision and during this process he nostril is absorbing the heat which is created in system & again absorbing some humidity which is now being exhaled . That’d why it is very important to bring lit through left nostril in this Pranayama. )

Your glottis , vocal cords , whole cavity & neck muscle . They are acting in it to control the breath.

When to do ?

If you do this Pranayama  early morning it will have more benefits . But if you don’t have time you can do this any time there is no such restrictions .

How much time to practice ?

In a day 5-11 time is enough . If you have disease  may be sleep apnea , thyroid or snoring problem or have some emotional balance in your system or anything related to neck region or relative cavity thing you can control all this through neck region .

  1. While you practicing it don’t excessively do it you need to remain in the boundary of your physical capacity . If you suddenly increase  the process it will harm your system .  starting with 5 and 11 is ok .
  2. Breathing must be from nostril only not from mouth .
  3. Inhalation only through left nostril (cold vision)
  4. Inhalation and exhalation must be of same time . 

It is well said that 

                   " when you own your body no one can steal your Peace "


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